OPINION: A master of self-hype heads to UN







The Vice President of the Republic has gone to New York to represent the country at the 77th General Assembly of the United Nations and is scheduled to deliver a speech today, Thursday. Although in some cases these appearances may seem frivolous, we Panamanians deserve to know why a speech that is customarily given by the President of the Republic, is going to be delivered by the Vice President.

 What is worse, the Presidency has not informed what prevents Cortizo from attending personally to this commitment; Nor had he announced when the delegation was leaving or who is part of it. When did they plan to communicate that? Or is it that we would find out when we saw Carrizo on CNN or through a statement after he gave his speech? It is surprising how little the government seems to care about transparency, it is obvious that these are matters of interest that must be communicated in a timely manner. But nothing transcends; it is as if officials do not understand the duty to report what they do or do not do. The vice president is a fan of self-hype and of publishing his image on networks and management reports, but he is unable to show his face when he has to render accounts. In the end, the fault lies with Cortizo. His respect for others is non-existent.- LA PRENSA , Sep. 22.