US Peace Corps returns to Panama



Eleven Americans were sworn in on September 20 as new members of the Peace Corps, in a ceremony held at the United States ambassador’s residence.

The act marks the return of the volunteers to Panama on a mission to travel to diverse communities across the country, including some in hard-to-reach areas, to do environmental conservation, youth leadership, sustainable agriculture, and community health. During their service in the country, the volunteers will work in coordination with the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Social Development, Ministry of Agricultural Development, and authorities of the Ngäbe -Buglé region for the performance of its community functions.

“After ten weeks of induction in language, culture, and technical training, our volunteers are ready to return to serve the Panamanian people,” said Anni Galdames, director of the Peace Corps in Panama. “We are excited because they will be able to return to the communities to work shoulder to shoulder with their inhabitants,” she added. The Peace Corps is an international network of American volunteers who serve community members and partners in various host countries, motivated by the agency’s mission of peace and global friendship. At the invitation of governments around the world, Peace Corps volunteers work alongside community members on projects for the benefit of their inhabitants in education, health, environment, agriculture, community economic development, and youth development.