OPINION: Time to end dialogue intransigence


Attempts to incorporate other groups at the single dialogue table for Panama continue to be unsuccessful, given that those who participated in the first phase of these meetings stubbornly and adamantly refuse to sit down, for example, with businessmen or other groups in the national activities that claim their right –as citizens they are– to analyze, discuss and propose solutions to the problems that afflict the country. Although the organizations that have participated in the dialogue have obtained some achievements, the truth is that the structural problems will continue to exist if they are not addressed from other perspectives, including changes to national legislation, instead of purely circumstantial solutions, with very limited time. of useful life. It is absurd to deny entry to the dialogue to other sectors because they also have contributions and are a party affected and interested in and in multiple issues that, in addition to those that have already been addressed, there will be some that surely have not been analyzed. This is a national effort, so there should be no room for sectarianism, although those who monopolize the dialogue insist on being the only protagonists. It is about building a better country, not for some, but for all. That is what you have to keep in mind and put aside intransigence. – LA PRENSA, Sep.14.