Pyrrhic victories in the price of medicines


The price of medicines is not an issue that can be settled with a resolution. This is a structural problem that requires studies, highly specialized advice, information, and knowledge, and that all parties are heard and, yes, make decisions based on State policies, and not on a happy improvisation that, moreover, does not it is a long-term solution, and what it will surely generate is scarcity. This improvisation is visible wherever you look: why have not the owners of pharmacies, importers, laboratories, intermediaries, not even consumer, and patient associations been invited to the table? Why don’t the medicines listed have a 30% discount on all their presentations, but specifically on one or two? Why Vice President Carrizo, who has spent months at a table to solve the problem has not presented anything worthwhile? It is more than evident that the solution agreed upon at the technical table on medicines, installed last February, has as a backdrop the protection of interests, instead of building a State policy on medicines. But it is the safest way for only two of the many protagonists to achieve their respective victories, even if in the end they are only Pyrrhic – LA PRENSA, Aug. 22