Small and medium pharmacies close their doors


Over 450 small and medium-sized pharmacies closed their doors nationwide on Monday, August in response to a decree mandating a 30% discount on the price of 170 medications which. says  Orlando Pérez, president of the National Union of Pharmacy Owners (Unprofa) could force many into bankruptcy.

Pérez said that with the entry into force of the decree it is difficult for them to provide the service to the communities. He also indicated that these pharmacies face being fined by the Authority for Consumer Protection and Defense of Competition (Acodeco) for not complying with the new provision.

“They condemn us to bankruptcy,” said Pérez, who said that this weekend they held meetings on the matter at the headquarters of the Ministry of Health (Minsa), and “they turned their backs on us.”

He urged president  Cortizo to rectify the decree. “We hope that the Government calls us and we reach an understanding,” said Pérez, reiterating that they are asking for a repeal of the decree.

Last night, the Government reiterated that as of Monday, Executive Decree No. 17 will come into force, “in order to guarantee the price reduction demanded by the country’s population.” In addition to the announced 30% discount, the special discounts established by law are maintained, such as the 20% discount for retirees.

Meanwhile Panama’s Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama said – through a statement – ​​that it is unfortunate that the Government has ignored the request of all the sectors involved to grant additional time for the implementation of the decree, which was based on technical, economic and commercial supports, which respond to market realities.

“This decision will affect the Panamanian private sector, at a time when we have indicated that the most important thing is to be able to generate sustainable economic growth, which results in the creation of much-needed jobs,” the union warned.

Health Minister Luis Francisco Sucre, said that there is a willingness to continue dialogue with all parties

In Panama, there are some 1,159 pharmacies, between private and health institutions, according to Minsa reports, of which some 450 are members of Unprofa.