Dialogue table agrees on 7 points but not on fuel price


Government and the social unions at the single dialogue table for Panama reached a consensus on seven points on  Tuesday night and there were dissents on four.

One sticking point in which an agreement has not yet been reached is related to the price per gallon of fuel.

The social groups presented a proposal of $3.00 per gallon, while the Government remains at $3.25, which is the price currently frozen for sale. The State subsidizes the difference.

Fernando Ábrego, from the Alianza Unidos por la Vida, highlighted that among the consensuses, the subsidized price was applied at the national level since in some insular areas fuels are not being sold at $3.25. Likewise, it is applicable to all motor vehicles. Everything includes agricultural machinery and equipment to cut grass.

The administrator of the Authority for Government Innovation, Luis Oliva, reported that another committee was formed to follow up on any anomaly presented by the platform that records transactions when buying fuel.

The organizations at the table proposed that the subsidy measure is for six months, extendable, while the Executive proposed that it be for three.