Contempt for the electorate in Government team


Bourgeoisified and jaded, the government’s negotiating team refused to receive -and eat- the food prepared with food products whose prices were frozen by the president, when the Executive wanted to calm the spirits of the groups protesting the high cost of living.

 It is the same thing that happens with health, because the president, his minister of that branch –precisely–, the mayor of the capital city and several deputies, among other officials, attend specialized centers abroad, disregarding medical attention and health centers that are under their own responsibility. The message they send is quite clear: the best for them and if something is left over, for others. Bourgeoisified and jaded, the government’s negotiating team refused to receive -and eat- the food prepared with food products whose prices were frozen by the president, when the Executive wanted to calm the spirits of the groups protesting the high cost of the life. It is the same thing that happens with health, because the president, his minister of that branch –precisely–, the mayor of the capital city and several deputies, among other officials, attend specialized centers abroad, disregarding medical attention and health centers that are under their own responsibility. The message they send is quite clear: the best for them and, if something is left over, for others. 

What happened yesterday was a symbolic act that draws in its entirety the contempt that the political caste that governs us feels for its voters. The greatest material hypocrisy is the one in the government palace, next to the presidential chair. 

There is a stool that Laurentino Cortizo ordered to be installed on the first day of his management, with the intention of “not forgetting where we come from.” With what happened yesterday in Penonomé, there is no longer any doubt about how insignificant that symbol is for his government team.—LA PRENSA, Jul.23.