Revenue officials check Super 99 stores


Officials from the General Directorate of Revenue (DGI) appeared on Friday, July 15, at several branches of the Super 99 supermarket chain, linked to former President Ricardo Martinelli Ber

The inspectors were seen in at least four stores, La Cabima, Albrook, Río Abajo and Punta Pacifica , where the DGI staff showed interest in the equipment that reports transactions to the DGI from the cash registers, and the equipment connected to the address from the tills of a Martinelli group company: Rapid Money , a money remittance house reports La Prensa.

Days ago, the spokesman for Martinelli, Luis Eduardo Camacho, disclosed on social networks an investigation order for several companies of the Martinelli group, an action that he described as “political persecution” of the former president.

It is unknown if the DGI officials entered the establishments complying with this investigation or another, since sources from the fiscal surveillance institution told La Prensa that they cannot provide information on an ongoing process.

Rapid Money is a company linked to Martinelli, whose bank accounts were closed and since then he uses Super 99 accounts to make his deposits, despite the fact that the grocery store is not a remittance house.