A government in search of credibility


Never in our democracy has there been such a lack of credibility as now. The success of the call for a dialogue to discuss the current situation is in question; The Government’s austerity measures are not only late, but they do not reach those responsible for the popular anger, and the palliatives to lighten the economic burden of thousands of households affected by the economic crisis caused more anger than relief.

The reaction has been adverse to almost everything proposed by the Government because it has lost its reliability by squandering it by trying to justify the unjustifiable: the cynical excess of privileges; abusive spending while the country experiences a severe loss of revenue; the total absence of controls; little adherence to accountability and transparency in public spending; exorbitant salaries, undeserved and untimely, while in the private sector thousands of jobs were lost and salaries were reduced; parties, banquets, liquors, trips, per diem, luxury cars… All this remained in the collective subconscious and now, when a good part of the population does not even have enough to put a plate on the table, all these memories explode. If it wants to regain its credibility, the government will have to make a real and convincing sacrifice.- LA PRENSA, Jul.15.