Construction workers return to the  streets across Panama


Construction workers returned to the streets again on Thursday, July 7, to protest the high cost of fuel and to demand from the Government of Laurentino Cortizo concrete actions against the high cost of the basic food basket.

The protests have taken place on the Centenario, Felipillo, Punta Pacifica roads and in the Tumba Muerto.

The workers have also demonstrated and chanted slogans on the Inter-American Highway, near the 7 de Septiembre neighborhood in Arraiján (West Panama). there were also pickets, in Colón, Veraguas, Coclé, Bocas del Toro and Chiriquí.

“Down with the high cost of living, down with the drug business, down with the high cost of the basic food basket,” the Suntracs workers shouted.