OPINION: Danger in the skies



The management of the current director of the Civil Aviation Authority (AAC), as well as that of a key position in that institution and for the country – that of director of Aviation Safety –, leaves much to be desired, not to say that he is negligent and indolent. They are in these positions to guarantee the safety of flights in general and, in particular, of passengers and crew. The actions of these officials are inexcusable and inadmissible, as they have made it clear that they do not work for the State, but rather for economic interests that, regardless of the consequences for the country and its inhabitants – nationals or foreigners – obtain from them what they want and, As if that were not enough, they use the institution as a springboard for their personal business, unable to see the obvious: an obvious and scandalous conflict of interest. The AAC is an institution in which the President should pay more attention: it is necessary to remove the personnel that, far from satisfying the interests of the Nation, are there for other purposes. The irresponsibility of the current AAC administration must not continue. The lives of local and foreign citizens are in the hands of these subjects. If they continue in their positions, it will be a matter of luck that there will be no regrettable situations in the future.- LA PRENSA, Jun. 23.