Striking garbage collectors return to work

Striking garbage collectors agreed to return to work following a Tuesday night meeting says the Minister of Health, Luis Francisco Sucre.
“We reached some agreements yesterday [Tuesday] night, giving answers to the workers where it was agreed to lift the strike today,” Minister Sucre announced on Wednesday, in statements to TVN Noticias.
Sucre said that many of the points that the workers were requesting were agreed upon, such as salary adjustments, the rapid delivery of equipment and uniforms, as well as compactor trucks.
The minister added that all this seeks to avoid public health problems.
The leader of the sanitation workers, Mitzel Bermúdez, confirmed in the same way that they would resume work today.
The Urban and Home Cleaning Authority (AAUD) also reported, through a statement, that an inter-institutional technical table was formed to work on the issues of the salary scale, permanence, supplies, equipment, and infrastructure.
The AAUD workers had been on strike since Friday, June 10, which added to the problem of waste collection that this entity faces in the district of Panama.
“It has been shown that the system is not enough for more,” said the Minister of Health, who added that what is decided on this issue in the future must be done as a team.
“What is certain is that we have to evolve, the garbage collection system is obsolete,” admitted Sucre, in the morning news.
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