Two independent lawmakers will not seek reelection


The independent deputies Juan Diego Vásquez and Gabriel Silva announced on Tuesday, June 7, that they will live up to their campaign promise and not seek reelection.

In a joint statement, they stressed that in the 2019 campaign one of their promises was precisely not to seek re-election.

Although they were clear that they will not return to the Assembly, neither of them ruled out the possibility of continuing their political careers outside of it, in local or municipal government positions reports La Prensa.

“The decision was not easy,” Silva said. “We know the particular moment that the country is going through and we know that in 2024 they are going to be essential elections,” he added.

“We want to show that the word continues to carry weight, especially when it has to do with public affairs, with politics,” Silva said.

Vásquez stated that they will continue to work in the Assembly until June 30, 2024, when the period for which they were elected ends.

New coalition
On April 5, Vásquez and Silva starred in an event in which they announced the launch and creation of the Vamos coalition, which aims to train, support and promote pre-candidates and eventually candidates who aspire to deputy and local government positions for free application.

Currently, they are in the stage of choosing those who showed interest in being part of the coalition. Vásquez reported that by mid-July he expects to have a preliminary list of people who will be trained for the beginning of the collection of supporting signatures.

“We are going to show that people can enter the Assembly independently, do a good job and leave after five years,” said Vásquez.

They added that they will work and strive to support coalition candidates. “We are not going to lose that independent seat,” Silva said in reference to the seat he occupies in his circuit. “We even believe that we can have more independents,” he said.