OPINION: Politicians’ priority – THEMSELVES


The ruling of the Supreme Court that declared unconstitutional paid leave for elected officials who have another job and who do not exercise it is a clear advance, since many mayors and representatives of corregimiento have taken advantage of it for years, who they receive double and even triple salary, something that the Constitution prohibits.

But those affected are looking for a way to avoid the effects of the ruling, through the exercise of teaching, something that is not prohibited by law, but that cannot be exercised if the work schedule coincides with the performance of another position in the Condition. In other words, these officials are looking for a way to replace the income they stopped receiving with the Court’s ruling and with the prohibition of payment of mobilization expenses.

Thanks to the combination of these salaries, those affected were earning more than $10,000, well above what their income should be while exercising the position for which they were elected. All this tells us about the quality of people that these politicians are, who only have one priority: themselves, graciously allocating money that does not belong to them because they simply have not earned it. – LA PRENSA. May 31.