It was not a surprise, since that is how almost all trials in which the defendants are former officials begin. And the New Business case was no exception. It had to be rescheduled for next July, because some lawyers did not even present a reason for not attending a hearing scheduled for months.

Others were absent and presented medical certificates of disability, that is, the usual excuse. Those same lawyers are the ones who then rip their shirts off accusing everyone, without noticing that they are the ones setting the example with clearly unethical conduct. They always complain about justice and what they describe as abuses against their clients, but in the end they get the ruling they seek. They always play dirty, because they just don’t know how to do it any other way. What they gain from this type of attitude is that public opinion imagines – probably not so far from reality – that their clients are not the sheep they claim to be, but a pack of wolves that cannot hide their sharp fangs. We hope that at the next hearing you will act like gentlemen, remembering that you are being paid for a job, not to become like your clients. – LA PRENSA, May 20.