Heavy rain threats trigger yellow alerts

In the face of increased rains with the high probability of flooding. and landslides. the National Civil Protection System (Sinaproc) raised the preventive alert to yellow In the provinces of Bocas del Toro, Chiriquí and Veraguas, and the Ngäbe Buglé region.

It adds that according to weather forecasts and analyses, Tropical Wave No.1 is located over the national territory and “keeps interacting with low-pressure systems (areas of easy development and propagation of clouds) associated with rains and storms”.

The Directorate of Hydrometeorology of the Electricity Transmission Company SA, (Etesa) predicts daily rainfall accumulations between 60 mm and 150 mm in coastal areas and low-lying areas and from 160 mm or more in the mountainous and maritime regions of the country. 

In the provinces of Coclé, Colón, Darién, Herrera, Los Santos, Panama, and West Panama, and in the Guna Yala and Emberá Wounaan regions, the green alert decreed  Wednesday by Sinaproc is maintained.

The institution asks the population to take precautions in case of floods, landslides, falling trees, and flooding of rivers and streams.

To make emergency reports to Sinaproc, you can call 520-4429 or 911.