New covid-19 cases surge to 2,744 daily


The fifth wave of covid-19 is being marked by a constant increase in new cases, but with a stability in deaths.

In the epidemiological week that ended on Saturday (May 8 to 14), 19,421 new infections were reported, which represents an average of 2,774 per day. This is a higher figure than the previous week (May 1 to 7), when there were 10,436 cases, for a daily average of 1,491.

The average of one death per day has been maintained for several weeks.

Statistics from the Health Ministry (Minsa) show that some days this week the barrier of 3,000 new daily cases was passed, something that had not happened since February 9.

For the advisor to the Covid-19 Panama Vaccine Research Consortium, Eduardo Ortega, unlike other waves of covid-19, this time there is no relationship between the number of cases and mortality, since there are many cases and few deaths.

Ortega, says this is, in part, thanks to the fact that there is a high percentage of the population that is immune.

There are 24,653 active cases throughout the country, and 175 are hospitalized. ( 148 are in the ward and 27 in intensive care units, that is, double what was reported a month ago.