The opportunism of a twisted mind


In 2017, when Ricardo Martinelli and Rómulo Róux were vying for the presidency of Cambio Democrático, this media outlet, in an editorial contained in the Hoy por Hoy space , expressed how the former –and other members of that group with pending court cases– wrapped themselves in the shielding of the electoral jurisdiction so that justice would not reach them.

Martinelli’s spokesman filed a complaint against this outlet, alleging that this content violated rules on electoral propaganda. The ruling on that case was known a few days ago and the magistrates of the Electoral Court –unanimously– rejected their arguments in a ruling in favor of this medium.

The reasons for that editorial were never to favor or harm one or another candidacy, but to denounce the abuse that is committed with the electoral jurisdiction. In fact, that opinion remains the same today: jurisdiction is the effective instrument used by many politicians to evade legal proceedings against them.

La Prensa has been consistent for all these years and not as the complainant suggests, that the media outlet took advantage of a political moment to try to harm its boss. Only a twisted mind can conceive of such opportunism. – LA PRENSA, May. 2.