COVID-19: One death 874 new cases as positivity climbs



Panama reported one death from covid-19  on Thursday for a cumulative  8,184 deaths and a fatality rate of 1.0%.To date, There are 874 are new positive cases. In the last 24 hours, 7,156 tests were applied for positivity of 12.2%.

Active cases total 5,242  with 95 hospitalized, 87 in the ward and 8 in ICU.

According to the  Ministry of Health (Minsa), the places that have reported an increase in cases in the last 24 hours are San Francisco, Rufina Alfaro, Bella Vista, Juan Díaz, and Penonomé.

Given the increase in positive cases  Health Minister  Luis Francisco Sucre reiterated the call to the population not to let their guard down, to get vaccinated, and to use the mask correctly.

Sucre said that positivity exceeds 12%, so, although the vaccine does not protect against contagion by Covid-19, it is an effective weapon to avoid serious conditions, since it reinforces the immune system. against the virus.

He reiterated that the health system in Panama is not saturated, but recommended maintaining biosafety measures since other countries are even experiencing a seventh wave.