Complaint against Vice President for misuse of public funds


A complaint was filed with the Administration Attorney’s Office on Friday, April 22, for alleged administrative failure in the management of State resources by the Vice President and Minister of the Presidency, José Gabriel Carrizo.

Lawyer Ernesto Cedeño, who filed the complaint, explained that a “partisan political” message from Vice President Carrizo was broadcast through the State Radio and Television System (Sertv) on the night of April 20.”This violates the Code of Ethics, in its articles 25, which talks about the proper use of public funds,” said Cedeño.

He said that although the code establishes a reprimand or temporary suspension as a sanction, the message must be forceful: “public assets must be managed as a good father of a family and it cannot be that a partisan political message has been broadcast on a state channel, which is a public good”.