Corruption fuels migration of young Panamanians


Starting today, ministers from 20 countries –including two of the most important in President Joe Biden’s cabinet: Antony Blinken (Secretary of State) and Alejandro Mayorkas (Security)– participate in the dialogue on illegal migration, following up on a meeting held virtually mid-2021.

The appointment is of special importance for the United States and the rest of the countries, in their role of origin and final destination of migrants. The causes of irregular immigration are not many, and perhaps the most important are the armed confrontations and the political instability that entails the drastic reduction of opportunities for the citizens of those countries or the loss of the enjoyment of their freedoms.

These last issues should be addressed by the ministers, since the solution of these problems would reduce migration to a minimum. Precisely, the lack of opportunities and political corruption move many young Panamanians to leave the country.

Although it is not irregular migration, the fact is that many leave disappointed from a country that seems to be falling into the abyss. If all countries had zero tolerance for corruption, these meetings would not be necessary. – LA PRENSA, Apr. 19 .