Amador landfill project will restrict access

THE FILLING of more than 50 hectares in Amador is a project that should not even have been admitted. The repercussions, at first glance, are many and the Government is already giving signs that it is going to approve it. He does not seem to remember that, years ago, a similar mess –although less invasive– was rejected, not only because it represented a serious traffic problem, but also because the users of the road – thousands of Panamanians who enjoy outdoor activities in that area – would be deprived of one of the most attractive spaces in the capital.
Added to this is the fact that the project would be for private use, despite the fact that the sea fillings are unadjudicated, so claims of unconstitutionality against the approvals given now should not be ruled out. For this reason alone, that development should never have been considered by the Ministry of the Environment and endorsed by the Minsa and the MOP.
It will be that in these entities they will have omitted reading the part in which the promoter admits that he intends to profit from facilities such as parking, lodging, restaurants, an area for extreme and aquatic sports, beaches, shopping centers, and a pedestrian area. Was that why Omar Torrijos wanted to enter the Canal Zone? – LA PRENSA, Apr.16