A frontrunner in the most incompetent mayor title race



The mayor of the capital city must be the most clumsy official in the PRD. He had as decided, unilaterally, to suspend a work –which belongs to the last administration and that is probably the reason for doing so– that has already been 75% completed, depriving entire communities of having a 20-hectare space for their entertainment and recreation: the North Municipal Park.

In other words, this mayor does not do or allow it to be done. Instead, he intends to put $40 million into a seafood market that no one has asked for and that, to make matters worse, is not necessary, since one already exists.

 So what is the mayor looking for? Because it is evident that he is not thinking about his fellow citizens. His narrow-mindedness does not allow him to think that his decision will generate the loss of money invested; that an opportunity to generate green spaces for citizens, children, athletes, for students of nature will have been wasted. There is no doubt that he is obtuse, stubborn, and lacking in all common sense. Hopefully, the initiative to remove him from the post for useless prospers. Panama has had several incompetent mayors, but this one is already a finalist for first place.  – LA PRENSA,Apr. 3.