Escape routes paved for powerful fugitives from justice


The saga of the fugitives, the children of former President Ricardo Martinelli Berrocal, demonstrates, with nauseating crudeness, how judicial processes and administrative controls are circumvented in our country to accommodate the plans of those who have money and power.

For this reason, we will not end up getting off the black lists or being singled out by locals and outsiders for lack of seriousness and transparency. While countries with upright judges and correct officials, such as the United States and Spain, hold our criminals to account, in Panama the paths are paved for those who are fugitives from justice, with any subterfuge, they are granted bail no matter what. They have mocked the judges for years, without the slightest embarrassment, or they are given flight permits to flee from the justice of other nations. How humanitarian was the flight of those refugees, while thousands of Panamanians, stranded around the world, could not return to their homes during the pandemic? poor country – LA PRENSA, Mar. 21.