OPINION: A $40 million reason to revoke mayor’s mandate


How can the mayor of the capital city explain or justify spending more than $40 million on consultancies? How can so much waste be possible, especially when hundreds and hundreds of businesses had to close due to the pandemic? It is that this expense cannot even be visualized, since there is not something tangible that we can point to to say that there is evidence – good or bad – that the money has been spent on something. The supine irresponsibility of the mayor is one more reason –and a very powerful one– to revoke his mandate. All his ideas are a complete disaster, including this expense, which even exceeds that of the Ministry of the Presidency, the institution that has put the most money into consultancies so far in government.

José Luis Fábrega does not deserve to continue holding the position of mayor, for his incapacity as a good administrator is evident; his decisions are questionable from every point of view; he has destroyed and discarded things that worked well; His style at the head of the largest commune in the country is that of an autocrat and there is not a single work that speaks well of his management. His incompetence is simply absolute. – LA PRENSA, Mar. 16.