Government poisoned patients block highway

Government poisoned patients block highway

IVISA, Herrera. – Patients from across Panama affected by the syrup poisoned with diethylene glycol distributed by the Social Security System (CSS) took over the four lanes of the Inter-American highway in Divisa at  6.30, am on  Tuesday, March 15, in to demand the delivery of certifications and medicines, and an increase in pensions.

María Elena Pascual Rodríguez, chapter president of the province of Coclé, said that the protest is due to “broken promises” by the Government since there have been “15 years of pain and suffering.”

Pascual Rodríguez said that although it is true there are some people who do not comply with the provisions of the law, there have also been other cases where “they have not even reviewed their medical records.”

 “Many of those declared negative, in their clinical history are prescriptions and tests that indicate that they are poisoned patients,” he said.

For her part, the Minister of Health in charge, Ivette Berrío, affirmed that “the Government has kept the channels of attention and dialogue open with the Panamanians affected by the syrup with diethylene glycol.”

“We have not stopped making the evaluations; The Evaluation Commission has specialized medical teams who collect all the information and then make the evaluations, ” she added.

Berrío said that since last week the leaders of those affected were invited to attend a meeting on Monday, at the Presidency, but they did not respond to the call.