Anti-covid vaccinations in 1,552 schools


Nursing staff from the Ministry of Health and the Social Security Fund began covid-19 vaccinations in  1,552 schools in 39 circuits and 81 districts in Panama on Monday.

The Minister of Health in charge, Ivette Berrío, said that the number of vaccines necessary will last until March 18,  “We are prepared for the number of students,” she stressed.

Berrío urged parents to take advantage of the opportunity and allow their children to be vaccinated. To do this, they must sign the consent or accompany their children on the immunization day.

The official said that initially there was concern on the part of the caregivers about the vaccines, however, “little by little” they have realized their effectiveness. “Parents are making the smart decision to vaccinate their children,” she said.

Berrío stressed that the vaccines against Covid-19 have made it possible to reduce the number of deaths and hospitalizations. “It is one of the main tools against the pandemic,” she said.