Lifting the lid off  cabinet meetings


The Minister of the Presidency, through a resolution, prohibited public access to the minutes, files and notes of the President of the Republic and the Cabinet Council. Not that nuclear weapons, wars, or global security issues are discussed at these meetings. And if they don’t talk about it, what can be secret about these records? It is understood that issues concerning national security and operations against organized crime and drug trafficking are reserved issues, but what about everything else? What is the justification to prevent society from being condemned to ignorance on issues that often have to do with the commercial operations of the Government? As the Administration Attorney says, except for security issues, everything else must be public. It is the only way that we citizens have to avoid negotiations that are conceived and put together in chambers, while the Cabinet approves them without question. Is that what they fear? To make us realize their lack of rigor, the cronyism that prevails, how little they care about conflicts of interest? They shouldn’t worry about that. That is already in the public domain.- LA PRENSA, Mar.12.