Health Ministry guidelines for return to classrooms


The Ministry of Health (Minsa) has issued a new Biosafety Sanitary Guide for the prevention and control of Covid-19 in official and private educational centers, higher technical institutes, and universities

The guide establishes that all educational entities must have a protocol, where mechanisms are established to implement and monitor compliance with the prevention and control measures recommended for a safe return to classes.

The Ministry of Education (Meduca) has reported that this school year- 954,233 students will return to classrooms after two years of absence due to Covid-19.

The regional directorates of the Minsa must coordinate with the Meduca and the National Council for University Evaluation and Accreditation of Panama the inspections that are considered necessary to verify compliance with the sanitary regulations.

Health Committees
It was also agreed that official and private education centers must set up their “Special Health and Hygiene Committee for the Prevention and Care of Covid-19”, made up of a minimum of two to six people, depending on the size of the institution.

The members of this committee – made up of the campus management, teaching staff, administrators, and parents’ association – will be responsible for organizing, implementing, and daily monitoring the prevention and control actions of the established measures.

The guide establishes that all centers must comply with biosecurity measures for the prevention and control of SARS-CoV-2, including hand washing, use of masks, physical distancing, and face shields. In addition, the cleaning and disinfection of surfaces, waste management, special schedules, monitoring of members of the educational community, and stress management must be complied with.

The entry of visitors, volunteers, or other non-essential personnel into educational centers should also be limited.