Call for probe of decisions leading to birth by 8-year-old


Various organizations, lawyers, activists, and human rights defenders filed a complaint on Friday, March 4, with the Public Ministry (MP), in order to open an investigation to examine “all the actions” that have taken place in the case of the eight-year-old girl who became pregnant after sexual abuse by a relative.

On Wednesday, March 2, the minor gave birth – by means of a cesarean section – to a boy, who remains in the intensive care room.

“This is a situation without parallel in the Republic of Panama,” said Gilma De León, from Fundagénero, at the MP’s headquarters.

For this reason, De León explained that they are looking for a thorough investigation to be carried out to see if there has been due diligence in the officials who have had to deal with this case, both from the Ministry of Health, as well as from the Santo Tomás Hospital and the Hospital del Nino.

“I think it is a responsible action to open the possibility of establishing whether our current regulations on the possibility of abortion have been complied with,” the lawyer said.

She stressed that it is “obligatory” that women’s organizations take action so that the MP shows that “it may be capable of opening a file” and see if due diligence was given in the case.

“Citizens and the entire country demand answers, demand forcefulness in the scope and application of justice and demand that, once and for all, no girl or adolescent be forced to give birth, or to be a mother,” said a statement of the various organizations.