OPINION: Millionaire political transportistas


Undoubtedly, politicians are like vultures in search of the opportunities offered by the State. They look for them to make money quickly and hand over fist. To carry out their business, they obtain the capital from the state coffers, usually by way of dispossession. They steal without any control because in Panama impunity reigns as rampant as corruption. Public transport is no exception. Many politicians have seen in these State concessions a business opportunity that they have not missed, as have many natural persons who, in collusion with politicians, have monopolized dozens, hundreds and even thousands of quotas of various types: from taxis to bus routes. Some have become millionaires. From what we have seen, it is necessary that the laws on public transport be reformed to provide stability and avoid hoarding; to regulate the status of the so-called “levers” and to attend to their labor rights; to prevent usury and abuse; to regulate the concessions and be the State the beneficiary and not the usurers; to provide better service to users; to make the routes and their schedules more efficient. In short, much remains to be done and nothing is being done – LA PRENSA, Mar. 1