After talks Panama Government lags in execution

Both the private and public sectors have sat down at planning tables such as the Public-Private Reactivation Table and the Bicentennial Pact, but “Despite this, the National Government has shown little capacity for execution,”  said Panama’s Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (Cciap) in it Sunday bulletin.

The Chamber claimed that “in the construction sector there is an inexplicable delay in accounts payable to contractors.”

The Cciap, said the Office of the Comptroller General must fulfill its supervisory role, “but without becoming a bottleneck in activity.” At the same time, the organization pointed out that it is necessary for the State to reactivate public projects and speed up the execution of those that are in process.

The group also specified that the Tourism Authority of Panama has to execute the Sustainable Tourism Master Plan; while it is up to the Tourism Promotion Fund to execute the international campaign.

“In addition, the guarantee fund for $300 million with the participation of the Government, private banks and the Inter-American Development Bank must be implemented as soon as possible in order to refinance credits and grant new loans for  the sector,”

The Cciap highlighted the importance of providing support to micro, small and medium enterprises, through a multi-sector shared risk fund.