Immoral and illegal appointments

The embarrassing way in which the Assembly approved in the second debate the bill presented by Raúl Pineda (PRD) to legalize the indefinite reelection of the current rector of the Autonomous University of Chiriquí (Unachi), warns us that the deputies don’t, care a damn public opinion. Above all, there is maintaining a network of immoral and even illegal appointments in many cases. According to an independent deputy, the rector was lobbying in favor of the bill, but she did not go to the plenary session to answer about its supposed virtues.

 Bedroom agreements, that is what has the core of the initiative. The President of the Republic will surely soon have in his hands –for sanction or veto– this monstrosity, which only seeks to benefit people from his party, who receive –once again– income for work that they do not do. The ruler will have to decide whether to support the scoundrel or reject it. And while this is progressing, the one who seems to have sunk into a hole is the comptroller, whose greatest merit is to do nothing. Not even in the dictatorship was there a comptroller so accommodating and good for nothing – LA PRENSA, Feb. 24.