Ex-president of Honduras in preventive detention


The former president of Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernández, was sent to prison until at least March 16, by the judge who held the first hearing on Wednesday for the extradition request to the United States that claims him for drug trafficking, announced the spokesman for the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ), Melvin Duarte.

The judge “has decided to decree provisional arrest of citizen Juan Orlando Hernández Alvarado in order to guarantee his presence” at the second hearing on March 16, the official said.

No later than two days before this new hearing, the United States must submit to the court “the evidence that supports the extradition request, as well as the classification of the crimes (…) and the penalties that are related to the charges attributed to Mr. Hernandez,” the spokesman added.

 Hernández was transferred under strong security to the headquarters of the Special Forces of the National Police where he will be held.

“The judge does not find that the house arrest measure is appropriate” requested by the defense, the spokesman stressed.