Tougher sanctions  for drunk driving and speeding

The Transit and Transportation Authority (ATTT) is proposing an increase in the cost of penalties for proven drunkenness, speeding, and others as measure to combat vehicle accidents that, due to alcohol consumption, have ended human lives.

In a statement issued on February 10, the entity states that, in addition to alcohol consumption, there has been a significant increase in speeding violations- As well as violations for the use of mobile phones while driving, which is the main cause of minor accidents.

The director of the National Directorate of Traffic Operations, Fernando Sanjur, added a technical table that he is studying to modify Executive Decree No. 640, which establishes the Traffic Regulations of Panama, to extend the retention time of the license in case of drunkenness. and speeding.

Another of the proposals is to establish a time limit of seven years for the application of aggravating circumstances for recidivism, ignoring this measure for those drivers who, while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, cause a traffic accident, injuries personal injury, or property damage.