Canadian Truckers  fire-up Trump and  the right


AFP (Ottawa) – Protesters against anti-covid-19 measures in Canada have become the new heroes of conservatives and opponents of restrictions in several countries, who take Canadian truckers as a source of inspiration.

In New York, hundreds of municipal employees demonstrated on Monday against the decision to fire from Friday those who refuse to be vaccinated against Covid-19. They denounce “medical tyranny and compulsory vaccination”, with a large Canadian flag.

The day before, a hundred truck drivers demonstrated in Alaska against mandatory vaccination, in support of their Canadian colleagues.

The “Freedom Convoy”, launched at the end of January by Canadian truckers against the obligation to be vaccinated to cross the border with the United States, quickly turned into a protest against the sanitary measures in Canada as a whole and, for some protesters, against the government of Justin Trudeau although polls show only 30% support for the trucker’s actions.

Hundreds of trucks have been blocking the center of the Canadian capital, Ottawa, for more than a week, where the mayor has declared a state of emergency to deal with the blockade.

The mobilization has received the support of senior US conservative officials, from Texas Senator Ted Cruz, who describes them as “heroes” and “patriots”, to former President Donald Trump, and billionaire Elon Musk.

And there are calls to extend the mobilization to the US capital.

“The Freedom Convoy could come to Washington with American truckers who want to protest Joe Biden’s ridiculous policy on Covid-19,” Trump said.

The wave of protests has spread throughout the world, fueled by populist currents that denounce Anti-covid mandates as obstacles to freedom imposed by the ‘elites’ in power.