Organized crime prosecutor appeals house arrest move


The Specialized Prosecutor’s Office against Organized Crime has appealed the decision of the guarantee judge Yanina Mosquera, who granted a precautionary measure of house arrest to Teresina Vigil, aka La Patrona investigated for the alleged crime of illicit association within the “Damasco” operation.

In a hearing to review the precautionary measures, Mosquera replaced the precautionary measure of preventive detention initially applied to Vigil and granted her house arrest.

This measure was granted after Vigil’s defense attorney, Leonardo Paul, provided new evidence about her health condition and procedural elements to access treatment

Vigil is linked to the “Humildad y Purza” gang, presumably led by her romantic partner Carlos Roberto Aguilar (alias Robert).

The Prosecutor’s Office attributes links to that organization with the Clan del Golfo for drug trafficking from Colombia.