Covid-19 active cases swell to near 70,000


A total of eight deaths and 10,763 new covid -19 infections in the preceding 24 hours were confirmed in Panama, by the Department of Epidemiology

of the Ministry of Health (Minsa) on Wednesday.

Active cases total 69,369, of which 68,706 are in home isolation and 663 are hospitalized.

Those in isolation are divided into 68,183 at home and 523 in hotels.

From March 9, 2020, to date, 602,606 infected by the pandemic have accumulated in the country, and 7,554 have died.

In the last hours, 29,685 tests were applied for positivity of 36.3%. The lethality of the virus in the country is at 1.3%.

In the world there are 335,797,865 confirmed accumulated cases of Covid-19.