Embezzlement complaint about Arraijan mayor travel exes


Three members of the Project 2000 Movement filed a complaint on Monday morning, January 17, with the Attorney General’s Office for alleged embezzlement against the mayor of Arraiján, Rollyns Rodríguez.

Abdiel González Tejeira, general secretary of the Project 2000 Movement, said that the complaint is also against the eight representatives of the district of Arraiján.

In addition to González Tejeira, the complaint was filed by Nuria Rodríguez and Luis González so that the Administration’s attorney, Rigoberto González, investigates the allocation of $5,000 per month for the travel expenses of Rodríguez and the eight mayors of Arraiján.

The complaint says that the Municipality of Arraiján has a vehicle, drivers, and a budget for fuel. In addition, the mobilization of Rodríguez and the eight councilors is basically within the district of Arraiján.

For this reason, they wonder why the Comptroller General of the Republic authorized this expense for the mayor and the councilors of Arraiján.