Panama Maritime Authority records best income


The Panama Maritime Authority (AMP),  achieved at least $186.1 million in self-generated income a 30% growth compared to 2020, and the largest self-generation achieved by the AMP in its history.

The generation of the revenues comes from the growth of the fleet of vessels of the Panamanian Merchant Navy, the renewal of marine licenses, port services, incentives for the generation of new concessions and operating licenses, effective management in consular collection, among others. The entity has also achieved a budget execution in investments that totals 97% ($47 million) and in operation reaches an execution of 93%, which represents $155 million.

Of the $155 million, only $45 million were required for its operation and the rest, some $110 million, were allocated as contributions to the National Treasury.

Maritime services represent one of the largest engines of the country’s Gross Domestic Product and income to the National Treasury, which is reflected in the $2,763 million that the entity has collected since 1998, with the creation of the AMP.