New Supreme Court  appointments bring a ray of hope


The new board of directors of the Supreme Court, chaired by Judge María Eugenia López Arias, represents an opportunity “to make the administration of justice a timely, impartial and effective system says Jose Ramón Icaza, president of  Panama’s Chamber of Commerce, Industries, and Agriculture.

“The recent appointments bring a light of hope, not only because of their respective careers but because the president [Laurentino Cortizo] announced full support, which includes additional resources for the effective implementation of the Judicial Career,” Icaza emphasized.

In this sense, Icaza said that this objective can be achieved by appealing to “all the tools at its disposal, including from democratic values ​​to the promotion and development of cooperation relations and inter-institutional, public and private technical assistance.”

According to Icaza, A generalized perception of impunity is the source of some of the problems that the country faces, from the inclusion and permanence of Panama in the gray lists to the decrease in the attraction of direct foreign investment. ”

Icaza said that he expects from López Arias “an open communication and consensual actions with the forces of this country so that between them the bases are established for the consolidation of democracy, the social and constitutional State.”