“Political” Dean of Law ousted


The lawyer and teacher Magaly Castillo will become the new dean of Law and Political Sciences of the Santa María la Antigua University (USMA), on January 11replacing     

Ana Matilde Gómez, former deputy, and former independent presidential candidate.

The rector of the USMA, Francisco Blanco, also appointed Cherty Mendieta as director of Law and Political Science; Anayansi Solís, as director of funding and scholarship coordinator; and the priest Miguel Ángel Keller as director of the department of Social Analysis of the church.

Gómez indicated said that the resolution released on Thursday took her by surprise. The rector informed him in the morning of the decision he had made but she never thought it would be so soon. Gómez explained that they informed her that she was a “political” person and that at the university they seek to keep their staff of teachers distant from the political world.

“For now I don’t have any political aspirations. The rector asked me and I communicated it to him, ”said Gómez, who had already served two and a half years in office.