Police and health officials in dawn raid on Chill Out club

The National Police and MINSA emptied the Chill Out Nightclub of hundreds of people in Anclas Mall, in La Chorrera at dawn on December 3.
The place was crowded and people were waiting to enter and, according to the authorities, e biosecurity measures were not being followed, nor the corresponding capacity.
They indicate that there was no distancing and some did not wear or use the mandatory mask required since the beginning of the pandemic.
The Health authorities confirmed that there are already 46 cases of omicron reported in Panama, while the
Minister of Health, Luis Francisco Sucre, confirmed that the transmission of this new variant of covid-19
in the country is already of a community nature, so it will spread more quickly.
He warned that under the circumstances, it is not recommended, for the moment, to go to places with an
agglomeration of people and it is preferable to spend the New Year’s holiday with your home bubble.
In addition, Sucre confirmed that we are already in the fourth wave of the pandemic. In fact, in the last few hours, 25,679 tests were applied for a rising positivity of 10.3%.
On Thursday the number of infected soared to 2,466, something not seen since the wave of infections last December.