Vaccinations reflected in reduced hospitalizations  


The epidemiological week 51 (from December 19 to 25) closed  with 4,141 cases of Covid-19 disease, which represents 1,651 more cases than the previous one (from December 12 to 18), an increase of 66.3%

Although hospitalizations in the ward and intensive care units increased from 135 in the previous epidemiological week to 165 in the week that closed Sarurday, the positive impact of vaccination is evident, because, for that same date in 2020, there were 2,031 hospitalized.

The acceleration of Covid-19 cases coincides with the arrival of the Omicron variant. Infectology specialists do not rule out community transmission of the new variant.

The arrival of the variant of the is a new test that the country must assume in the face of the pandemic, since its detection coincided with the end of the year holidays, and brings with it an increase that will be very marked in the number of new infected during the remainder of December and January.

Meanwhile, the new cases with the Omicron variant begin to multiply. On December 19, the first case with this lineage was detected in Panama and until December 24 there were already nine and 17 under investigation, by the Genomic and Proteomic Research Department of the Gorgas Memorial Institute for Health Studies (Icges).

Those infected with the new variant live in the Health regions of Coclé, San Miguelito and Panama Metro. The cases are from the townships of Río Hato in Coclé; Amelia Denis De Icaza and Rufina Alfaro, in San Miguelito, and Ancón, Betania, Don Bosco and San Francisco in the capital city.