Lack of empathy as thousands search for work

The stories of people –especially young people– looking for work in the private sector are devastating since in many cases they are professionals with university studies who, in return, receive job offers for salaries that are well below their expectations. There are more than 200 thousand jobs lost in the formal sector, while informality continues to explode. This reflects the real state of companies, struggling to survive, while the economy begins to recover. Undoubtedly, informality takes away important income from the State, so this impact also hits the Government, which, nevertheless, insists on maintaining a level of expenses that exceeds its income, for which it is forced to request credit to sustain it. completely ignoring the damage it has caused – and continues to cause – by the pandemic. As thousands upon thousands struggle to get food home and meet their daily expenses, the government engages in tax policy for the benefit of its elected officials. The irresponsibility and lack of empathy of this administration with its compatriots is simply unmatched. – LAPRENSA, Dec. 26.