OPINION: Necessary that everyone should be vaccinated

The Christmas and New Year holidays are always an opportunity to share, meet with family and friends, but we must not forget that we are in the middle of the pandemic, with a virus that constantly mutates, so it is necessary that the target population complete vaccination. Statistics tell us that the cases of contagion have increased considerably in recent days and that hospitalizations have also increased, although, fortunately, deaths are controlled, especially because patients have a vaccination picture that has contained a fatal outcome.
For this reason, it is not only important but necessary, that everyone be vaccinated, while the measures that the authorities have recommended since the beginning of the pandemic must be observed. The economic recovery also depends on it, which begins to rebound in recent months. If we want to return to normality, we have to do our part, and the Government, to facilitate all logistics, so that the population can be massively vaccinated. Let’s enjoy the holidays and family company, but let’s do so in the awareness that the pandemic is not over yet. – LA PRENSA, Dec. 25.