5,858 active cases herald fourth wave of covid-19

With 5,858 active cases, Panama is facing an increase in cases of Covid-19, which for the scientific community is an “omen” of a fourth wave, now with the appearance of the Omicron variant.
In the last two weeks, positivity and active cases grew, although, for specialists, the indicator that should be paid attention to is the number of hospitalized. Fifteen days ago there were 14 patients in intensive care and 101 in the ward; now they are 17 and 146, respectively.
The message from the scientific community to the population in the last days of the year is simple: be vaccinated, be responsible, and comply with the biosafety measures established against Covid-19.
Although the country has a rebound in cases, hospitalizations and deaths due to the virus do not show alarming growth. However, specialists on the subject, such as the epidemiologist Arturo Rebollón, consider that “prudence” must be maintained due to the presence of more contagious variants, such as Ómicron.
15 days ago, the average number of cases was 249 per day, but this week there were more than 700 in one day. Those hospitalized went from 115 to 163, and the percentage of positivity, which reached 4.4%, now exceeds 6%. Deaths remain stable, averaging one per day.
“The variable that really has to interest us is hospitalizations and deaths. We must reinforce the prevention message since we had been in 17 weeks with negative numbers of hospitalization and now we have four weeks with a change in that trend, “said Rebollón.
The epidemiologist recalled that there are a million vulnerable people who have not received vaccines, among those under 12 years of age and people who refuse to be vaccinated, which implies that a quarter of the population is unprotected and, when infected, could overload the health system. “You have to be moderate in the actions and end of the year parties,” he said.
For Eduardo Ortega Barría, advisor to the Panama Covid-19 Vaccine Research Consortium, the collaboration of the population is essential.
“The recommendation is to get vaccinated, maintain the family bubble, and biosafety measures. Every time there is a rebound there is a new wave and there will be a fourth wave, no doubt. The situation is going to improve, but we are going to spend critical weeks, “he said.
Javier Nieto, former director of the Gorgas Memorial Institute that on December 24, 2020, Panama accounted for 51 deaths in one day from Covid-19. “Today, thanks to mass vaccination, deaths have been reduced by more than 90%. Let’s celebrate life judiciously, “he said.