Fake diplomas an unforgivable example for teachers


That teachers falsify diplomas to accredit higher studies that they never attended is one of the most perverse things there is since they are teachers who send the worst message to their students and reveal how low a sensitive part of Panamanian society has fallen, whose objective is to get money by posing as specialists in some field.

The worst thing is that they most likely discussed topics with their students that they had no idea about since they did not even steal knowledge, but only a title. The Ministry of Education must expel them without delay from the national educational system, without the possibility of giving classes at any level, neither in the private sector nor in the public sector.

 Their example is unforgivable and therefore the sanctions must be equally exemplary and not only for them but for the entire educational sector – students, teachers, and administrators–, so that they are clear that this type of attitude is not allowed under any circumstances. That is why it is imperative that they can never set foot in a classroom again. The actions shame and betray the noble mission of a teacher, and the example can ruin the lives of all those young people who have been entrusted to his care – LA PRENSA, Dec. 24.