Environment Ministry leads with public consultation others should follow


The initiative of the Ministry of Environment to carry out a public consultation in order to adopt the National Environmental Strategy for the coming years (2021-2031) is something that must be done with everything: health, education, transport, energy, justice, technology, infrastructure, poverty, etc. Only in this way will we go from the proverbial improvisation of governments to executing properly planned projects with funds allocated for them. And although organized civil society and the public sector are part of this consultation, the only way for projects like these to have the expected success is with the participation and commitment of all political parties. The reason for this is that, if there is a change of government, the excluded political sectors will not feel committed to the project, since they were never part of it. And this government has given many proofs of this, by refusing to continue with infrastructure projects in which they did not take their opinion. If the government is truly committed to executing a national environmental plan for the next few years, it should not exclude anyone from the dialogue, since the country belongs to everyone and everyone must make the commitment to comply with it or, once again, it will be a failure – LA PRENSA, Dec. 23.