Trampling on the pillars of democracy

The constant threats and attacks on freedom of expression and information that the media, journalists, and citizens have received were forcefully answered yesterday by representatives of the journalistic unions, who explained how serious the current situation is.

In Panama there is no full enjoyment of these freedoms – fundamental rights of every individual – because anyone who says what he thinks or denounces an irregular act is exposed to a civil lawsuit or lawsuit, risking his personal assets without any authority setting limits.

The situation is worse when these actions are exercised by those who hold political and/or economic power, because it is precisely through these powers that they obtain the complicity of justice operators. Citizens must not allow the empire of misinformation to reign, through the misrepresentation of the facts or preventing the truth from being known. And given that fundamental rights are matters of the State, we remind President Laurentino Cortizo of his commitment to freedom of expression and information, because it is in his government that the pillars of our democracy are trampled on. – LA PRENSA, Dec. 21.